profitability of mental health practices

How Mental Health VAs Strengthen Practice Profitability

In the ever-evolving landscape of mental health care, the integration of technology and remote support has become essential for improving practice efficiency and profitability. One innovative solution gaining traction is the…

2024 Healthcare Industry

What 2024 Could Look Like for the US Healthcare Industry

As the world steps into a new year, the US healthcare industry finds itself at a crossroads. While the echoes of pandemic disruption still linger, new trends and challenges emerge, promising a year brimming with both…

Safety of Mental Health Patients

Strategies to Promote the Safety of Mental Health Patients

In a world where comprehensive mental health care is undeniably important, prioritizing patient safety becomes equally vital. Mental healthcare providers, therapists, and practice leaders play a critical role in creating…

Improve Patient Communication

9 Ways Healthcare Practices Can Improve Patient Communication

When it comes to providing high-quality care and fostering positive patient outcomes, effective patient communication is paramount. Moreover, communication minimizes the likelihood of medication errors, which, according to…

Prior Authorization

Prior Authorization Reform Efforts and Impact on Providers

The concept of prior authorization (PA), initially designed as a simple cost-control mechanism, has transformed into a complex system burdened with administrative intricacies that hinder patient care. This transformation…

Pandemic for a Resilient Healthcare Practice

Lessons From the Pandemic for a Resilient Healthcare Practice

While the world is already four years past the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and it is officially no longer considered a global health emergency, its impact is far from over. This global crisis has not only challenged the…

Direct-to-Consumer Healthcare

The Rise & Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Healthcare

The healthcare landscape is undergoing a fundamental shift, challenging traditional norms where patients heavily relied on doctor referrals and encountered limited options. Empowered by technology and a growing digital-first…

Patient-Centered Care

9 Practical Strategies to Implement Patient-Centered Care

In the face of rising patient expectations, the emphasis on patient-centered care has become more crucial than ever, and adopting it is paramount as healthcare providers and practice leaders strive to deliver high-quality…

VR and AR Improve Healthcare Training

How VR & AR Improve Training For Healthcare Professionals

Given the pace and demands the medical industry is subject to, staying updated with the latest advancements is crucial for healthcare professionals and practice leaders. Among the innovative technologies transforming the…

Reshaping US Healthcare

How Medical Virtual Assistants Are Reshaping US Healthcare

The US healthcare landscape has seen significant changes in the last few years, largely driven by advancements in technology – one notable development is the ability to provide patient care remotely. In fact, the remote…