better customer service

Customer Service Specialist

Customer Service Specialist: Why Businesses Need One

A customer service specialist plays a pivotal role in shaping customer experiences and building long-lasting relationships. As businesses increasingly recognize the…

Client feedback and satisfaction

5 Ways to Gather Client Feedback & Enhance Their Satisfaction

In the fiercely competitive world of modern business, ensuring customer satisfaction is a top priority. Recognizing the crucial role feedback plays in shaping products,…

What is the cost of a virtual assistant

The True Cost of a Virtual Assistant

Six out of ten business owners plan to hire a virtual assistant in 2022, most of them for very similar reasons. They’re intent on addressing staffing issues and keeping their…

why choose my mountain mover

Why Choose My Mountain Mover Virtual Assistants?

You want to save money, easily increase your productivity levels, reduce employment costs and free up valuable time in your day. Of course you do - who doesn't? Running a…